
Grad Tiffany Doll Connects Big Brands with Content Creators

The Entertainment 业务 master's grad melds storytelling with advertising for seamless product placement.

Grad Tiffany Doll Connects Big Brands with Content Creators - Hero image

If you've ever watched a character on your favorite streaming show grab a box of Cheerios, Tiffany Doll may have had a hand in it. As a Senior Account Manager for Brand Entertainment Network, Tiffany helps large companies find fresh ways to advertise by helping them land product placement spots in TV shows, 电影, and on social media influencer accounts. She's carved out an enviable role in a booming niche industry, and her master's degree in Entertainment 业务 from 满帆 helped her find her way there.

Tiffany fell in love with the entertainment industry while working for a public relations agency in her native Puerto Rico. She signed up for 满帆's Entertainment 业务 master's program because it offered the specialized focus she needed to make headway in entertainment marketing.

She excelled at 满帆, earning several Course Director Awards and graduating as Salutatorian. But it was the work experience of her professors that really wowed Tiffany.

"What made the impression was knowing that they really had experience in the industry, it wasn't just that they were teaching theory. That they were really talking and teaching from that experience was the best part," Tiffany says.

Just seven years after graduation, Tiffany had worked her way up to her current position as a Senior Account Manager. She acts as a liaison between content producers and advertisers, finding opportunities to subtly insert brands like Cadillac, 戴森, 拖车, and Orangetheory Fitness in music videos, 故事片, 流系列, 和更多的.

Her responsibilities run the gamut from briefing creators on the brands they're representing, 阅读脚本, 参加拍摄, and bringing clients new content opportunities.

"You have to wear many hats throughout the process," Tiffany says. "You wear your sales hat to pitch an opportunity to a client, then you have to wear a brand rep hat when you're representing the brand to the content creators, 和n a little bit of a production hat."

The project management skills Tiffany learned from 满帆's Entertainment 业务 master's program help her stay organized. She also gained a deep understanding of the entertainment business landscape from her Entertainment Marketing class, 和 娱乐法律 course prepared her to look over contracts between brands and creators.

Tiffany attributes her success to hard work, networking through 满帆, and keeping a close eye on industry trends.

"Find your niche because that's really going to make you different," she advises current students. "Keep reading the trades, pay attention to those companies that are making big headways in the industry, and follow the trends. Where the trends go, the job opportunities will follow."