
Real-World Projects: Hands-On Curriculum and Collaboration in 媒体 & 通信

全速航行, you'll be working on projects in the classroom that mimic real-world industry experience.

Real-World Projects: Hands-On Curriculum and Collaboration in 媒体 & 通讯-英雄形象

当你在满帆大学注册时, your education is going to be more than just lectures and textbooks. 你会在实践中学习, 不仅仅是倾听, with our hands-on project-based curriculum that is designed to prepare you for the 娱乐, 媒体, 艺术, 科技产业.

Real-world education means you will learn industry topics and skills during your class lectures, then put that knowledge into action during your labs. You’ll work on projects individually and collaboratively in order to mimic real-world situations where you’ll need to communicate effectively in different environments. 即使你在做一个单独的项目, you will be surrounded by like-minded individuals who can provide feedback and help you on your path to success. Your peers will be one of your greatest assets throughout your academic and professional careers.

Another essential component to success is a portfolio, which our bachelor’s students work on throughout seven dedicated Project & 投资组合的课程. 每一个项目 & Portfolio course builds upon the previous one, providing our students with a comprehensive portfolio of work they can show to employers by the time they graduate.

课堂之外的思考, our 媒体 通信 students use our annual 名人堂 celebration as an opportunity to add to their portfolios with an extracurricular project. 名人堂 is a weeklong event featuring education panels, 网络, 娱乐, 还有更多. The week is capped off with the induction ceremony welcoming six new graduates into the 满帆大学 名人堂.

“校园 students collaborate under the guidance of faculty and Platinum Creative, 我们的内部设计机构, 为名人堂提供媒体报道. They apply the skills they’ve learned within four different teams; Social 媒体 and Writing, 生产, 设计, 和摄影,” explains 媒体 通信 Program Director Kathy Craven. “Because our curriculum includes a wide variety of 媒体 aspects approached through the lens of 媒体 strategy, our students are able to boost their skills and resumes with this collaborative, 现实世界的经验.”

One of the unique features of this project is that students from across the entire program are working together, providing an opportunity for students who are earlier in the program to learn from and network with those who are about to graduate. Keep reading below to see some of the work done by these students during 名人堂.

The 名人堂 Survival Guide was designed by 媒体 通信 bachelor's students to give their fellow 满帆ors assistance in navigating the busy week.

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为了他们的名人堂计划, the 设计 team utilized their skills in copywriting, 插图, and editorial design when creating the 名人堂 survival guide. The guide – shared with all students on campus - includes profiles of the inductees, 校园地图, 如何驾驭活动的技巧, 网络的建议, and ways to connect with the 媒体 通信 program through social 媒体.

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Not only did this guide provide a tangible object for consumers to connect with, but it also encouraged them to further engage with the group online. The Social 媒体 and Writing team measured metrics throughout the week-long event, and noticed a dramatic rise in engagement on 脸谱网, 推特, Snapchat, Instagram, 和Tumblr都要感谢他们的努力.

在名人堂的那一周, the 生产 team hosted a podcast and created four one-minute overview videos to highlight each day’s events. 学生 had to create content, edit, and publish it with very little turnaround time. This podcast closely mimics the skills needed for a reporter or blogger when covering breaking news or a weekly digest.