A man with short brown hair smiling at the camera while wearing black frame glasses and a gray button down against a black backdrop.

学生 & 教师

教师 Profile: Matthew Peters (Publishing and Distribution, 创意写作学士

学生 & 教师

教师 Spotlight: Natly Torres Alvarado (Course Director, 企业家的法律问题)
Featured story thumb - 教师 spotlight susan kelleher course director show production mob

学生 & 教师

教师 Spotlight: Susan Kelleher (Course Director, Show Production)
Featured story thumb - 教师 profile christopher ramsey multimedia storytelling creative writing bachelors mob

学生 & 教师

教师 Spotlight: Christopher Ramsey (Multimedia Storytelling, 创意写作学士
Featured story thumb - 电影 Production Course Director Wins Two Gold Telly Awards For Her Original 电影 Mob

学生 & 教师

电影 Production Course Director Wins Two Gold Telly Awards for Her Original 电影
Featured story thumb - 教师 Spotlight Dave Dean Department Chair Show Production Mob

学生 & 教师

丽贝卡花环 has brown hair and is wearing tortoiseshell glasses and a black blazer. 她在微笑.

学生 & 教师

重点教授:博士. 丽贝卡花环
Ryan Phillips教官, a woman with black framed glasses and short black hair wearing a black blouse and red lipstick.

学生 & 教师

教师 Profile: Ryan Phillips (Project and Portfolio II, 创意写作学士
戴夫·哈里斯蹲在广播设备旁边, 包括调音台和通讯系统.

学生 & 教师

教师焦点:Dave Harris(节目制作课程主任)
指导员Eric Berzins, 一个长着灰色山羊胡子的男人, standing in front of a wood paneled wall wearing a blue button down dress shirt and green 满帆 lanyard with name badge.

学生 & 教师

Featured story thumb - 教师 Spotlight Dr Haifa Maamar Brings Industry Mastery To 满帆s Tech And Game Programs Mob

学生 & 教师

重点教授:博士. Haifa Maamar Brings Industry Mastery to 满帆’s Tech and Game Programs
Featured story thumb - 教师 Profile Emily Wray Integrative Portfolio Specialist 媒体 通信 Mob

学生 & 教师

教师 Profile: Emily Wray (Integrative Portfolio Specialist, 媒体通信)